Farewell, Cowboy

Autor: Olja Savičević Ivančević

Izdavač: V.B.Z.

Godina izdanja: 2018

Cijena: 99 kn

Broj stranica: 216

Uvez: meki


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"Memory is the present of all remembered events,' reflects the protagonist of this droll slice-of-life story, expressing the personal sense of stagnation she experiences upon returning to her childhood home in a remote Croatian village. Dada is newly returned from Zagreb to 'the Old Settlement,' hoping to put a pointless love affair behind her and to care for her aging mother, and she finds the routines of the locals and her grown-up childhood friends little changed from how she remembers them…
As depicted by Savičević, Dada is a resilient woman whose appreciation of the absurdities of her life allow her to carefully navigate them. Her experiences make for an intimate character study." 
Publisher's Weekly

S hrvatskog prevela Celia Hawkesworth.

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